School officially started today - AMEN! I love my children and I miss them when I'm at work, and the lack of structure this summer made our evenings HELL! I tried my very best to structure their day with the babysitter, making up a chore list, giving them homework to work on, creating a calendar of things to do within our town......but it was summer and towards the end I gave up on all of that!
Some things I figured out this summer are.....
#1 It's wonderful when your children are all of age to participate in activities. This was the first summer that both of our boys were able to do t-ball/baseball, VBS, summer camps, etc. and it was awesome!
#2 My little community offered a ton of things this summer and I was happy to have my children participate. Many of the programs at the library were free, the VBS's offered at the various churches were free and awesome, and the summer camps were inexpensive - and really brought family together. My husband and I happily participated in the basketball camp with both of our sons and I must say.....I've still got game! ha!
#3 The jury is still out on having our children stay at home with a sitter during the summer. I thought it would be great to let them sleep in, play in the neighborhood with their friends, enjoy our home.....but it was really tough. Our sitter was great and took them to many, many things - but the kids got sick of each other, they didn't help keep the house picked up, they ate us out of house and home, they really didn't get outside and play, and there was a lot of TV watching and video game playing ALL DAY.
Okay....summer is over and school has started.....have I mentioned that already?
Both of our boys have been fighting a lot lately and I know that they are just tired of seeing each other every day - they're 23 months apart, so pretty close in age, and they have very different personalities. So last night you can imagine my surprise when my parents kept our youngest son because kindergarten doesn't start until Friday and both of the boys missed one another. THEY MISSED ONE ANOTHER!!!! I know that the moment they're in the house together again it will be back to the fighting and yelling that we've grown accustomed to, but for a mere moment - I felt their love for one another. A mom takes what she can get right?!
Well, tomorrow begins the full day of school for our oldest son - so I have to remember to pack his lunch tonight. For some reason he announced that he wants to take his lunch every day - I like to think that it's because I pack the best lunches.....but I have a feeling it's because he can eat a lot faster and get outside to the playground before the kids waiting in the hot lunch line. Grrr....I don't mind packing lunches, however, it's nice to have a little break from it now and then!
Friday is kindergarten for my baby.....and he is so ready. I'm not sad about it, lots of moms I have talked to are really having a tough time with I feel a little bad for saying that. But he's ready, we have the same teacher that our oldest son had and I love her, I love their school, I know he's going to love I'm okay with it. I don't want them to grow up too quickly, but I'm enjoying each new stage and yes, I loved having them as babies, but I really love watching them develop into their own individual self.
Well, for now, summer is over and our lives can return to normal.....until Christmas break at least! Amen!
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